Gavin cofounded 'Cutting edge tiling" in 2016 when he discovered his passion for the trade, 2 years prior to this he worked his way up the ladder by learning the trade as an apprentice, before finally launching an ever growing business full of cliental and quality craftsmanship. He is often found on the tools (usually covered head to toe in tile adhesive/grout) doing what he does best!

Michal Gruchlik - Tile installer
Michal joined the cutting edge tiling team on a part time basis, but due to his enthusiasm and second to none skills on the tools, he is now one of cutting edges top installers. He prides himself on every aspect of his job, and is an asset to the cutting edge team. When michal isn't creating dreams come true for our clients, he is pursuing his own dreams in the city of Arendelle with his best friend, Olaf (right)